- New Zealand is part of the continent “Zealandia”, 93% of which is underwater.
- New Zealand was not discovered until 800 years ago and no humans lived in it until then.
- Most of New Zealand’s 4.5 million people are of European descent.
- Queen Elizabeth II is both the Queen of New Zealand and the head of state.
- Sign language is one of the three official languages ​​of New Zealand.
- New Zealand is the fastest country in the world to start a business. In this country, you can start your business in one day!
- Around 1300 AD, the people of the Polynesian Islands came to what is now New Zealand.
- New Zealand was one of the first independent and modern countries to give women the right to vote.
- All over the world, except in the United States and New Zealand, direct advertising of drugs by pharmaceutical companies to customers is illegal.
- In New Zealand, there are no snakes that live in the soil.
- In 2013, a bacterium was identified in New Zealand that is resistant to all known antibiotics in the world.
- According to Transparency International, Denmark and New Zealand are the countries with the lowest rates of corruption in the world.
- St. Baldwin Street in Deniden, New Zealand, is the steepest street in the world at 38 degrees.
- One of New Zealand’s beaches is called “9 Mile Beach”; But it is only 55 miles long.
- The organized rope jumping trade was first established in New Zealand in the 1980s.
- Cat licking is illegal in 22 countries, including Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand and Japan! This has no legal problem in the United States.
- The Royal New Zealand Air Force logo contains a kiwi bird that is incapable of flying.
- New Zealand refuses to apply for a residence permit for obese people! In several cases, people’s visas have been rejected due to obesity!
- In New Zealand, TV commercials are banned on Christmas, Easter, Friday and Anzac!
- In 1996, a man in New Zealand forcibly entered a radio station and took its director hostage, demanding that the song “Rainbow Link” by “Kermit Frog” (a puppet of children’s programs) be broadcast on the radio!
- There is a giant carnivorous snail in New Zealand.
- During World War I, New Zealand had an army of 10,000 men, about 10 percent of New Zealand’s population.
- The shortest pay gap for men and women in the world is in New Zealand, which is less than 5%.
- Tuatara (salamander reptile) is a New Zealand reptile that existed before the dinosaur generation. This reptile has 3 eyes.
- The oldest known fossil of a penguin species has been discovered in New Zealand, dating back 62 million years and living in the early Paleocene.
- During World War II, the United States and New Zealand secretly tested “tsunami bombs” designed to destroy coastal cities.
- A New Zealand court has allowed a child to be named “Number 16 Bus Shelter”!
- Indigenous Maori make up only 15% of New Zealand’s population; Meanwhile, 50% of the prisoners in this country are from Maori!
- If all the people on this planet lived at the same rate as the people in Manhattan, the whole population of the world would fit in New Zealand!
- The kiwi bird is the national animal of New Zealand.
- During World War II, American troops revolted in New Zealand because they did not want to eat or stay with blacks.
- New Zealand was so named when Dutch explorers discovered that the land was not connected to the South American continent. New Zealand has since changed its name from staten landt to nova Zeelandia, the name of one of the Dutch states.
- Wellington, New Zealand is the southernmost capital of the world, located at 41 degrees south latitude. It is also the farthest capital in the world, along with Canberra, the capital of Australia, 2,000 km away.
- New Zealand is the last land outside the Arctic to be inhabited by humans. The first inhabitants were the Maori, who arrived between 800 and 1200 AD. According to the Maori, these inhabitants entered the country from an island called “Hawaii”. Although the location of the island is still unknown, there is a strong linguistic connection between the Cook Islands and the Maori of New Zealand.
- New Zealanders experience one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world: 82.3 years for women and 78.3 years for men. It is also one of the least populous countries in the world with a population of 4.4 million.
- New Zealanders have a special interest in cars. So in a country with a population of 4 million, there are 2.5 million cars. This has led to one of the highest car ownership rates in the country.
- New Zealand has seven times the population of sheep and three times the population of cattle.
- Both species of bats are the only native mammals of New Zealand.
- New Zealand was the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote in 1893.
- New Zealand was the first country in the world where women held three high political positions simultaneously; Prime Minister, Governor and Chief Justice.
- New Zealand is the second largest wool producer in the world after Australia.
- New Zealand has 44 species of native reptiles. The largest of these is the reptile called tuatara, which reaches a length of 60 cm. It is believed to be the only surviving species from the reptile family that became extinct in other parts of the world 60 million years ago.
- Auckland in New Zealand is called the city of sails, which also has the highest boat ownership rate in the world. On the last Monday of every January, there is a celebration that is the biggest boating event in the world with more than 1000 boats.
- New Zealand is one of the top five dairy producers in the world. The country’s farmers produce more than 100 kilograms of butter and 65 kilograms of cheese per New Zealand every year.
- New Zealanders are credited with inventing disposable syringes, electric fences, GPS, and baby contact pill bottles.
- New Zealand is one of the few countries in the world to have two national anthems: “God bless New Zealand” which was adopted as the national anthem in 1940 and another anthem called “God save the Queen” which was sung in 1977 alongside the national anthem. Was the main of this country. A hymn that was sung only in the presence of a member of the royal family. Other countries that have a royal anthem in addition to their national anthems are Denmark and Canada.
- Located at 180 degrees latitude, Gisborne is the first city in the world to have its residents watch the sunrise every day. It is located only 496 km from the IDL or International Time Line.
- Lake Taupo was the source of one of the largest volcanic eruptions in the world in the last 70,000 years.
- According to the Corruption Perceptions Index, New Zealand and Denmark are the countries with the lowest levels of corruption.
- Among the illegal names for babies in New Zealand are: Lucifer, Christ and Messiah.