
Montenegro f

Official Name:   Montenegro


OUR SERVICES;                      

  • Consultation (in person, online, phone)
  • Helping to prepare your documents
  • Start to finish your company registration process
  • Immigration services


Montenegro is one of the most beautiful countries on the Adriatic Sea, which borders Croatia to the southwest. It is clear that Montenegro is one of the countries that has made a series of new immigration decisions that have been largely fruitful. . The country was able to grow its industry by 19 percent in the new year. It is clear that the economic situation of Montenegro will also increase based on industrial growth. In the assessments made, it seems that Montenegro is one of the most important countries and life in this country is definitely based on routine economic situations. Residence in Montenegro has undergone specific assessments based on new approaches.

There are many referendums on immigration to Montenegro, and assessments show that the government has accurately and principledly predicted the path to immigration. Cooperation between Montenegro and other countries has certain categories, as it is clear that the country has been able to improve its official language, and studies need to assess the rate of economic growth of this country. There are special conditions for working in Montenegro.

The Montenegrin Security Agency has said that the economic security situation in the country has improved, although social security is another important part of life in the country. Immigration is more prevalent in the economic sector in Montenegro, and it is clear that this country in turn has been able to provide the best tourism structure. It is worth noting that people in Montenegro try to provide a series of routine entry routes for immigrants based on economic approaches. Keep in mind that the history of this region is routine and it is obvious that the people of Montenegro have also been very successful linguistically. Fortunately, the lifestyle in Montenegro has improved and people come to study there. Residence conditions in Montenegro are more investment-friendly.


What are the investment opportunities in Montenegro?

Investment opportunities in Montenegro include buying property, registering a company, entrepreneurship and buying government bonds.

Is it possible to obtain a residence permit in Montenegro through investment?

Obtaining a residence permit in Montenegro is possible through investment in methods such as buying property, registering a company and entrepreneurship.

Is it possible to obtain Montenegrin citizenship by purchasing a property?

Obtaining Montenegrin citizenship is possible by purchasing property in the country, and applicants must purchase 250,000 euros in the northern part of the country or 450,000 euros in the southern part of the country.

How much does it cost to live in Montenegro?

The cost of living in Montenegro varies depending on the lifestyle of each person, but the average cost of living for a family of four is about 2,000 euros per month.


  • Montenegro is growing rapidly and will soon become one of Europe’s industrial hubs.
  • Due to its special geographical location and natural and mountainous landscapes, Montenegro has become a destination for many tourists in recent years, and activities in this sector can be profitable.
  • The quality of life in this country is very high, but in contrast to the cost of living is lower than in other European countries.
  • Montenegro passport is very valid and with this passport you can travel to 117 countries without a visa and you will have an easy job to travel to the United States.
  • Montenegro is a member of NATO and is also a candidate for EU membership, which is expected to happen by 2025.


  • High unemployment rate
  • High rate of property confiscation in this country compared to other countries
  • It is not currently a member of the European Union or the Schengen Union

Types of companies in Montenegro:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • limited responsibility
  • Private Equity
  • Public participation
  • Limited cooperation
  • Participation in a part of a foreign company


Documents required for company registration

  • Requires a minimum capital of 25,000 euros
  • Company establishment contract
  • List of board names and directors
  • Security number of directors and board members
  • Name and address of the Executive Director,
  • Company board and secretary
  • Signing the statements of the agreement in order to perform the duties of the company
  • Board resolution to approve the public offering of shares
  • Complete the registration form
  • Formal power of attorney
  • passport copy
  • Last educational certificate
  • Certificate of no background

File preparation before registration: at least 5 days
Registration and receiving tax ID: 4 to 7 working days
Opening a bank account: one day


  • administrative costs
  • Translation services
  • Company office rent

Residence permit

Required Documents:

  • About 20 days after the registration of the company, the start of the residency process and the announcement of the Immigration and Internal Affairs Office of Montenegro, the applicant has 5 days to apply for his license in accordance with the required documents.
  • White card issued by the Tourist Police Office (Applicant must apply for this card within 12 hours of arrival in Montenegro)
  • Health Certificate (Medical Tests in Montenegro)
  • Certificate of financial standing € 3650 for one year in a bank account in Montenegro (€ 10 per day)
  • Lease or title deed
  • Proof of employment for employees (written and approved by the manager). Not required for founder and board members.
  • Degree with transcripts
  • Certificate of no criminal record
  • passport copy
  • Health Insurance (Montenegro)
  • administrative costs

File preparation: at least 2 to 3 days
Obtaining a license: At least 20 to 30 days
The initial residence permit is for 1 year and will be extended for up to 5 years.

Health insurance: 25 to 30 euros
Medical certificate: 25 to 30 euros
Document inquiry: 150 Euros
Administrative costs: 65 euros
Translation service: 15 euros per page
Apartment rent (proof of location): 150 euros per year
Documentary office costs: 50 to 100 euros

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